Sunday, September 26, 2010

Hi stranger

been awhile. I am a blogger by nature, but life gets in the way. I've become quite private, and I find it unfortunate. haven't really found a blog I'd like to settle into yet. must have something to do with life being so dynamic.

Mostly for me nursing school is my life. I kind of feel like I should document my experiences. sometimes. without violating HIPAA, of course, which basically means no names.

So I'm a second year in the program now, in what is supposed to be our toughest semester, evidenced by the many new faces who have to repeat at least one of the sem. 5 courses for fill-in-the blank reason. :T it's kind of funny how the instructors reassured us that we're smart. What happened to the ones who were held back then? not smart enough?

I'm trying to keep on task and not to deviate too far from that, while still having a life. Balancing can be difficult, and I'm kind of feeling like it's time to devote more time to school.

Anywhoozle, favorite part of the program is being hands on in clinical. Lots to learn!

One thing about nursing is learning to find the funny in things that aren't funny at all. For example, a paraplegic patient who is allergic to coffee. Side effects: can't feel legs. o.O

typo or twisted irony?

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

cake break and hit reset

It's only noon but today sucks so far. I went to school super early as usual to get my reading done but my find-parking-in-five-minutes-during-the-first-week-of-classes luck has run out. I blame Kevin calling me to come into work straight after classes because I think it interfered with my usage of "the secret". hahahaha I know it's little but I have 5 hours of boring classes to attend followed by homework and tons of reading that I'm behind on because I read like a turtle (a turtle that can read). ha ha and my go-gurt tasted funny so the having to do more managed to spark a bit of stress. :P

I decided to go home rather than drive around for an hour finding parking. A car nearly hit mine, and when I got to my front door the funny tasting go-gurt flopped over, splattered all over the floor and splashed my shoes. :|

damn nursing classes! It means I have to go back! ookay cake :] then class.

Friday, August 21, 2009

gray matter

Nursing orientation in eight hours. I should have slept 2 hours ago, but it was only 11 o clock and I would never do that.

The banner is something Jer put together from a picture he took of me in Japan. I came across it in my external hd and decided to put it to use. :]

kay Lights out.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Vegas aftermath

Just a little recap and some highlights of the trip:

.Hanging out poolside with Amy and stepping into the water whenever we couldn't take the heat anymore
.Saw my favorite funny man Will Ferrel and Jeremy Piven at "The Goods" premier
.Photo op with Dane Cook who is super nice
.Met a couple of Italian boys
.Got a lap dance from some other Euro boys
.Ate at four buffets: Planet Hollywood, Mandalay Bay, Harrahs, and Wynn for two hours straight
.Sushie's sunglasses/ napkin premonition and winning $875 but them giving us $890
.Stressing out whenever Sushie bets
like when she put $100 chip down in a game of war. and won.
or when she let it ride on red after red already hit 5 times. and won.
.Betting with our "pot money" and getting funny looks
.Randy putting our $100 straight up on red and won
then putting it on red again and lost
.JT giving Joan her sexy dance
.Soaking our feet in the tub
.Worrying Joan would fall asleep in the tub and die while we were out
.Sushie telling the blackjack switch dealer and gamblers, "All of our other friends are dead" when she meant sleeping, and the shock that came with it
.No cover and getting walked in to Ghost Bar, Tryst, Tao, Blush, and Lavo
.Finding a new life ambition and trying to learn how to master it
.Botero at the Wynn, which is possibly my new favorite fancy food place
.Automatic blinds at the Wynn
.Falling down twice and getting two fat bruises. (un-drunk but not un-clumsy)
.Seeing Mikee, who is probably the only person who reads this blog. so Hello to you! :]

oh ya and the guy that tried to hit on me when we were walking on the strip. Sushie was ready to throw her Pepsi in his face, scared as shit the fat girls he was with would sit on us. Good thing Amy told us how to get out of that situation! even though I hope I never ever have to poke a finger up a fat girl's ass. EVER. Thanks Amy. kind of.

Friday, June 19, 2009

weekend excursion

I hope you like pictures. Destination: San Diego :] :]

6am flight to maximize our time. I didn't sleep because packing is my enemy.

I thought to myself: someone should really take pictures up here... and that someone was me!


Diner de la Diners, Drive ins, and Dives where I had a prime rib for breakfast.


View from the 30th


Definition of our relationship. This is at PB Bar and Grill.


Sushie's cousin and his girlfriend of 13 years. He's so protective it's funny!


which is why we walked into the hotel and waited until they drove off to go on late night exploring. scary bear we encountered:


Beam me up!


Practicing for my fashion blog :]P


on a boat to Coronado island


Wayne, David the Samurai and Trang in our 6 person bench bike cart something and Sushie making a u-turn


no shirt, no shoes, no doors


Ten minute dip in the hot tub then stopped by a very empty lounge on the 3rd floor of our hotel. There's a pool in the middle!


view from the 30th after dinner, gaslamp and disappointing hot dogs :T


Sushie getting her first tattoo by family friend, Hoc. He tattoos for spring rolls. ha ha


Carne asada fries. We had to.


We drove up to Orange County and went to Ember and some bar... The owners of this store were standing around and asked why we looked so sad. (We were copying the aliens.)




Most of anything not pictured consisted of shopping. Shopping in PB. Shopping downtown. Shopping at the last mall of America. More shopping at PB. More shopping downtown. Damn, so we kind of figured out that many can not last the 8+ consecutive hours we spend shopping. ha ha :D :D

Lots of shopping goodies. I am addicted to shopping trips. Make sure to bring an extra empty travel bag so you have space for new additions to your wardrobe and shoedrobe!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Cool Runnings

Let me just say... still the coolest movie ever!

ah I love itt!!!

P.S. I received my invite/ acceptance letter to the nursing program! :D

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

grumpy pants

"fucken took 1 hour to sit 1 hour to get appetizers food was gross. I up and left" That was Sushie's text from Juanita's birthday dinner at BJ's.

She called me to say that they went to Olive Garden next but the wait was too long. Boston Market ran out of chicken, and the Chinese restaurant across the street was closed. She was planning to get frozen food from Safeway but I said get happy food or you'll be cranky the whole 6 hour car ride. She tells JT she needs happy food. Then "I'll talk to you later. A cop pulled JT over."

damnnn very fmylife.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009



This time I bought the whole damn cake. :D